WFS(Vivid) Retrive and Analysis
July 15, 2023About 7 min
A bar chart
The whole process
Process Graph
Get the Key
Details refer to your own account
Download data
Using WFS client for viewing the layers first. Details refer the picture below
According to the picture above, there are 9 layers totally. The meaning for each layers is listed below.
layer | Meaning |
BasicFeature | - |
CollectedContent | - |
FinishedFeature | - |
ImageInMosaicFeature | - |
Maxar Catalog Mosaic Products | The big data zone |
Maxar Catalog Mosaic Seamlines | vivid masic line, classed by product line, producing line version etc. |
Maxar Catalog Mosaic Tiles | The block related with vivid product.(irrelevant) |
StandardFeature | - |
TileMatrixFeature | - |
According to our needs, all the data related with Mosaic need to be downloaded and analysied.
Crawler code
The data is released via WFS service. A web crawler will be implemented for retriving the data.
Because of the whole world data is too large to download at the same time. The world need to be splited into several blocks, then we should download the data from according the area of each block.
import requests as req
import random
import datetime as dt
import sys
import math
import threading
import time
import json
import sys
import os
import gzip
from tile_util import *
from thread_util import *
class dg_downloader:
def __init__(self, connectid, type_name, version='2.0.0', format='application%2Fjson'):
self.base_url = ''
self.tile_obj = tile_util()
self.__connectid__ = connectid
self.__type_name__ = type_name
self.__version__ = version
self.__format__ = format
# 模板参数说明
# @param connectId the connect id
# @param type_name layername
# @param lat_min the minimum latitude
# @param lng_min the minimum longtitude
# @param lat_max the maximum latitude
# @param lng_max the minimum longtitude
# @param version the ogc service version (such as:2.0.0)
# @param format the output format,(such as:application/json)
self.wfs_template = self.base_url + '/catalogservice/wfsaccess?CONNECTID={connectId}&SERVICE=WFS&REQUEST=GetFeature&VERSION={version}&TYPENAMES={type_name}&TYPENAME={type_name}&STARTINDEX=0&COUNT=1000000&SRSNAME=urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::4326&BBOX={lat_min},{lng_min},{lat_max},{lng_max},urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::4326&outputFormat={format}'
def __del__(self):
def downlaod(self, base_tile, target_level, filename):
@param base_tile The base tile()
@param target_level
@param filename
The data is retrived from server block by block. The base_tile will determine a big blog for downloading, the target_level define which level will continue split the base_tile.
self._base_tile_ = base_tile
sub_tiles = self.tile_obj.getWMTSSubTile(base_tile, target_level)
output_file = {
'log': open(f'{filename}.geojson', 'w'),
'locker': threading.Lock()
th_pool = thread_util(10)
for sub_tile in sub_tiles:
lng_min, lng_max, lat_min, lat_max = self.tile_obj.getBoundingBox(sub_tile)
version = self.__version__
format = self.__format__
type_name = self.__type_name__
connectId = self.__connectid__
url = eval(f'f"{self.wfs_template}"')
req_param = sub_tile
th_pool.process(self.thread_req, (url, req_param, output_file), req_param)
with output_file['locker']:
def thread_req(self, url, req_param, output_file):
ret = self.getRespInfo(url, req_param)
with output_file['locker']:
def getRespInfo(self, url, req_param):
resp = None
rc = None
headers= {}
resp = req.get(url, headers = headers)
except Exception as e:
if resp:
resp_code = resp.status_code
if 200 == resp_code:
content = resp.text
#content = gzip.decompress(resp.content).decode()
rc = f'{req_param}|{content}'
return rc
import math
The code of quad
3 | 2
0 | 1
The first layer of the earth will be split into
| 0 | 1 |
The code of WMTS will start from the left-top corner.
The zero layer will split into
| 0-0-0 | 0-1-0 |
The first layer
| 1-0-0 | 1-1-0 | 1-2-0 | 1-3-0 |
| 1-0-1 | 1-1-1 | 1-2-1 | 1-3-1 |
class tile_util:
def __getGeojsonTemplate__(self, name):
return {
"type": "FeatureCollection",
"name": name,
"crs": {
"type": "name",
"properties": {
"name": "urn:ogc:def:crs:OGC:1.3:CRS84"
"features": []
def Quad2WMTS(self, quad):
tilew = 360/(2**len(quad))
centerx = 0
centery = 0
for i in range(len(quad)):
tilew = 360/(2**(i+1))
if i == 0:
if quad[i] == '0':
centerx = -90
centery = 0
centerx = 90
centery = 0
if quad[i] == '0':
centerx -= tilew/2
centery -= tilew/2
if quad[i] == '1':
centerx += tilew/2
centery -= tilew/2
if quad[i] == '2':
centerx += tilew/2
centery += tilew/2
if quad[i] == '3':
centerx -= tilew/2
centery += tilew/2
wmtsl = len(quad)-1
wmts_tilew = 180/(2**wmtsl)
#print(centerx, centery, wmts_tilew)
tilex = math.floor((centerx+180)/wmts_tilew)
tiley = math.floor(-(centery-90)/wmts_tilew)
return wmtsl, tilex, tiley
# Get the sub block list of quad until the specified level
def getWMTSSubTile(self, quad, level):
rc = list()
if len(quad) < level-1:
rc.extend(self.getWMTSSubTile(quad+'0', level))
rc.extend(self.getWMTSSubTile(quad+'1', level))
rc.extend(self.getWMTSSubTile(quad+'2', level))
rc.extend(self.getWMTSSubTile(quad+'3', level))
return rc
return [quad + '0', quad + '1', quad + '2', quad + '3', ]
# Get the quad number on specified level according to latitude and longtitude.
def getTileQuad(self, lng, lat, level):
minx = -180
maxx = 180
miny = -90
maxy = 90
centerx = 0
centery = 0
tilew = 180
ret = ''
for l in range(level):
if l <= 0:
if lng <= 0:
centerx = -90
centery = 0
ret += '0'
centerx = 90
centery = 0
ret += '1'
if lng < centerx and lat < centery:
ret += '0'
centerx -= tilew/2
centery -= tilew/2
elif lng > centerx and lat < centery:
ret += '1'
centerx += tilew/2
centery -= tilew/2
elif lng > centerx and lat > centery:
ret += '2'
centerx += tilew/2
centery += tilew/2
ret += '3'
centerx -= tilew/2
centery += tilew/2
tilew /= 2
return ret
def getBoundingBox(self, quad):
Get the bounding box of quad block
l, x, y = self.Quad2WMTS(quad)
tilew = 180/(2**l)
maxx = x*tilew + tilew - 180
minx = x*tilew + 0 -180
maxy = 90 - (y*tilew + 0)
miny = 90 - (y*tilew + tilew)
return minx, maxx, miny, maxy
def getGeojson(self, quad, targetLevel = None):
Get the geojson of quad if the targetLevel is not specified.
Get the geojson for all sub block until targetLevel regard as quad as a base block
rc = None
if targetLevel:
rc = self.__getGeojsonTemplate__(f'{quad}-{targetLevel}')
subs = self.getWMTSSubTile(quad, targetLevel)
for i in subs:
rc = self.__getGeojsonTemplate__(f'{quad}')
return rc
def __getFeatureJson__(self, quad):
Get the geojson of quad
ret = {
"type": "Feature",
"properties": dict(),
"geometry": {
"type": "Polygon",
"coordinates": list()
minx, maxx, miny, maxy = self.getBoundingBox(quad)
ret['geometry']['coordinates'].append( [[minx, miny], [minx, maxy], [maxx, maxy], [maxx, miny], [minx, miny]])
ret['properties']['quad'] = quad
ret['properties']['wmts'] = self.Quad2WMTS(quad)
return ret
import threading
class thread_util:
def __init__(self, thread_max = 20):
self.__thread_pool__ = list()
self.__thread_max__ = 1
if thread_max:
self.__thread_max__ = thread_max
def process(self, target, args, name):
th = threading.Thread(target=target, args=args, name= name)
def wait(self):
def __update_thread__(self, count = None):
c = self.__thread_max__
if count:
c = count
while len(self.__thread_pool__) >= c:
dead_pool = []
for th in self.__thread_pool__:
if not th.is_alive():
for item in dead_pool:
Retrive data
retrive data
# DigitalGlobe:FinishedFeature :-
# DigitalGlobe:BasicFeature :-
# DigitalGlobe:CollectedContent :-
# DigitalGlobe:ImageInMosaicFeature :-
# DigitalGlobe:MaxarCatalogMosaicProducts :Product area(such as:VIVID_AS33_20Q4)
# DigitalGlobe:MaxarCatalogMosaicSeamlines :seamlines for vivid
# DigitalGlobe:MaxarCatalogMosaicTiles :-
# DigitalGlobe:StandardFeature :unable load 504
# DigitalGlobe:TileMatrixFeature :unable load 500
if __name__ == '__main__':
connect_id = '' #use your own connect_id
type_name = 'DigitalGlobe:MaxarCatalogMosaicTiles' #图层名称
tile_obj = tile_util()
#quad = tile_obj.getTileQuad(116, 39, 8)
quad = '0'
target_l = 9
dg_dobj = dg_downloader(connect_id, type_name)
dg_dobj.downlaod(quad, target_l, 'MaxarCatalogMosaicTiles')
tile_util sample
with open('D:\\aa.geojson', 'w') as fw:
fw.write(json.dumps(tile_obj.getGeojson('0', 2)))
Parse data
There are several properties for each feature of the retrieved data from the server. Two things need to be done for preprocessing before usage.
- The first one is to remove the duplication and
- the second one is to export all prepared data to postgis.
Remove Duplication
Parsing data to sql
import os
import sys
import argparse
import json
class MaxarCatalogMosaicProducts_Parser:
def __init__(self, tbl = None):
self.__tbl__ = 'MaxarCatalogMosaicProducts'
if tbl:
self.__tbl__ = tbl
# Template arguments
# obj['quad'] the data related download tile
# obj['id'] feature id
# obj['product_name']
# obj['product_line_name']
# obj['collect_date_min']
# obj['collect_date_max']
# obj['product_id']
# obj['publish_date']
# obj['resolution_meters']
# obj['geom']
self.__insert_template_prefix__ = f'insert into {self.__tbl__}(quad, id, product_name, product_line_name, collect_date_min, collect_date_max, product_id, publish_date, resolution_meters, geom)'
self.__insert_template_suffix__ = "values('{obj['quad']}', '{obj['id']}', '{obj['product_name']}', '{obj['product_line_name']}', '{obj['collect_date_min']}', '{obj['collect_date_max']}', '{obj['product_id']}', '{obj['publish_date']}', {obj['resolution_meters']}, {obj['geom']});"
self.__insert_template__ = f'{self.__insert_template_prefix__} {self.__insert_template_suffix__}'
def getSql(self, quad, feature):
obj = feature['properties']
obj['quad'] = quad
obj['id'] = feature['id']
obj['geom'] = f"ST_GeomFromGeoJSON('{json.dumps(feature['geometry'])}')"
#sql = eval(f'f"{self.__insert_template__}"')
__insert_template_prefix__ = f'insert into {self.__tbl__}('
__insert_template_suffix__ = "values("
for k in obj.keys():
__insert_template_prefix__ = f'{__insert_template_prefix__}{k},'
if obj[k] is not None:
if k == 'geom':
__insert_template_suffix__ = f"{__insert_template_suffix__}{obj[k]},"
__insert_template_suffix__ = f"{__insert_template_suffix__}'{obj[k]}',"
__insert_template_suffix__ = f"{__insert_template_suffix__}null,"
sql = f'{__insert_template_prefix__[:-1]}) {__insert_template_suffix__[:-1]});'
return sql
Parsing Executable
if __name__ == '__main__':
filename = sys.argv[1]
tbl = sys.argv[2]
mosaic_product = MaxarCatalogMosaicProducts_Parser(tbl)
with open(filename, 'r') as fr:
line = fr.readline()
is_break = False
while len(line) > 0:
quad, geojson = line.split('|')
json_obj = json.loads(geojson)
for f in json_obj['features']:
sql = mosaic_product.getSql(quad, f)
line = fr.readline()
Parsing example
: parsing the data file
python ..\1-MaxarCatalogMosaicSeamlines.geojson MosaicSeamlines > 1-Mosaicseamlines.sql
: init db
D:\pgsql\PostgreSQL\14\bin\initdb -D .\pgdata -Upostgres -Upostgres
Create table in postgresql
-- create postgis extension in postgresql
create extension postgis;
create table MaxarCatalogMosaicTiles(
quad varchar,
id varchar,
product_id varchar,
tile_identifier varchar,
cloud_cover_percentage varchar,
geom geometry
create table MaxarCatalogMosaicSeamlines(
quad varchar,
id varchar,
inventory_id varchar,
tile_identifier varchar,
image_identifier varchar,
off_nadir_angle float,
cloud_cover float,
sun_elevation float,
accuracy float,
vehicle_id varchar,
collect_date timestamp,
product_id varchar,
product_line_name varchar,
geom geometry
create table MaxarCatalogMosaicProducts(
quad varchar,
id varchar,
product_name varchar,
product_line_name varchar,
collect_date_min varchar,
collect_date_max varchar,
product_id varchar,
publish_date timestamp,
resolution_meters float,
geom geometry
import sqlite3
import json
import os
import shutil
import psycopg2
from psycopg2 import pool
import time
import threading
import traceback
import datetime as dt
#from tile_conf import *
class pg_conn:
def __init__(self, pg_conf):
self.threaded_postgreSQL_pool = psycopg2.pool.ThreadedConnectionPool(
5, 20,
user = pg_conf['db_info']['user'],
password= pg_conf['db_info']['password'],
host = pg_conf['db_info']['host'],
port = pg_conf['db_info']['port'],
database= pg_conf['db_info']['database'])
def get_tbl(self):
rc = None
if hasattr(self, 'pg_conf'):
if self.pg_conf.__contains__('db_info'):
rc = self.pg_conf['db_info']['tbl']
return rc
#def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
# if not hasattr(pg_conn, "_instance"):
# with pg_conn._instance_lock:
# if not hasattr(pg_conn, "_instance"):
# pg_conn._instance = object.__new__(cls)
# return pg_conn._instance
def getDBNode(self):
rc = None
while rc is None:
for i in self.db_pool:
if not i['locker'].locked():
rc = i
return rc
def __del__(self):
if self.threaded_postgreSQL_pool:
def __query__(self, sql):
pg_conn = self.threaded_postgreSQL_pool.getconn()
if pg_conn:
pg_cursor = pg_conn.cursor()
ret = pg_cursor.fetchall()
except Exception as e:
return ret
def __execute__(self, sqls):
sqls_data = list()
if type(sqls) == type(str()):
elif type(sqls) == type(tuple()) or type(sqls) == type(list()):
pg_conn = self.threaded_postgreSQL_pool.getconn()
if pg_conn:
pg_cursor = pg_conn.cursor()
for sql in sqls_data:
except Exception as e:
return None
Export to PG
import sys
from meta_pg import *
from thread_util import *
task_pg_conf = {
'database': 'postgres',
'user' : 'postgres',
'password': '1234',
'host' : '',
'port' : '5432',
'tbl' : 'Mosaicseamlines'
'max_conn': 10
pg_pool = pg_conn(task_pg_conf)
thread_pool = thread_util(10)
files = [r'..\parser\0-Mosaicseamlines.sql', r'..\parser\1-Mosaicseamlines.sql']
i = 0
for file in files:
with open(file, 'r') as fr:
line = fr.readline()
sqls = list()
while len(line) > 0:
i += 1
if len(sqls) >= 1000:
print(f'{file}: {i}')
thread_pool.process(pg_pool.__execute__, (sqls,), str(i))
line = fr.readline()
if len(sqls) > 0:
print(f'{file}: {i}')
thread_pool.process(pg_pool.__execute__, (sqls,), str(i))
# cd F:\01.workspace\\srs\sql2db & F: & F:\temp\python37_withgdal\Python37\python.exe
Remove Duplication
-- copy table structure
create table mosaicseamlines_unique as select * from mosaicseamlines limit 0;
create index i_seamlines_id on mosaicseamlines(id);
-- insert unique id
insert into mosaicseamlines_unique(id) select distinct id from mosaicseamlines;
-- update other features based on id
update mosaicseamlines_unique set
quad = a.quad,
inventory_id = a.quad,
tile_identifier = a.tile_identifier,
image_identifier = a.image_identifier,
off_nadir_angle = a.off_nadir_angle,
cloud_cover = a.cloud_cover,
sun_elevation = a.sun_elevation,
accuracy = a.accuracy,
vehicle_id = a.vehicle_id,
collect_date = a.collect_date,
product_id = a.product_id,
product_line_name = a.product_line_name,
geom = a.geom
from mosaicseamlines a
where =;
create index i_seamlines_uid on mosaicseamlines_unique(id);
create index i_seamlines_uproductid on mosaicseamlines_unique(product_id);
create index i_seamlines_ugeom on mosaicseamlines_unique using gist(geom);
Analysis script
alter table mosaicseamlines rename to mosaicseamlines_old;
alter table mosaicseamlines_unique rename to mosaicseamlines;
comments on table mosaicseamlines
alter table mosaicseamlines add area float;
update mosaicseamlines set area=st_area(geography(geom));
alter table mosaicseamlines add column collect_year int;
update mosaicseamlines set collect_year =EXTRACT(year from collect_date);
comment on table mosaicseamlines is 'The meta of vivid mosaicseamlines without duplication';
comment on table mosaicseamlines_old is 'The meta of vivid mosaicseamlines with duplication';
create table mosaicseamlines_aear_statistic as select sum(area) area, product_id, collect_year from mosaicseamlines group by product_id, collect_year;