Warp a Geotif
July 10, 2023About 2 min
How to using gcp to warp a geotif
Normally, the gcps will be used to warp a file, there are two steps to process.
- Step1: Finding the gcps, and using gdal_translate to add them to file
- Step2: Using gdalwarp to warp the geo file
How to sample
Normally to sample 10 points from the inner content of data.
# get the sample offset
x_offset = dataset.RasterXSize / (xpt_count + 1)
y_offset = dataset.RasterYSize / (ypt_count + 1)
# construct the req structure
idx = 1
pts = {
"msg": "",
for x in range(1, xpt_count + 1):
for y in range(1, ypt_count + 1):
idx += 1
"id" : idx,
"xpx" : x_offset * x,
"ypx" : y_offset * y,
"orgx": geotransform[0] + geotransform[1] * x_offset * x,
"orgy": geotransform[3] + geotransform[5] * y_offset * y,
How to add gcps to file
Use the gdal tool gdal_translate to add all gcps to geotif.
gdaltranslate_cmdline = 'gdal_translate -of GTiff'
if ret['ret']:
for pt in ret['pts']:
gdaltranslate_cmdline = f'{gdaltranslate_cmdline} -gcp {pt["xpx"]} {pt["ypx"]} {pt["transx"]} {pt["transy"]}'
gdaltranslate_cmdline = f"{gdaltranslate_cmdline} {os.path.abspath(tif)} {os.path.join(path, f'tmp.{filename}')}"
How to using gcp to warp file
using the gdal tool gdalwarp to warp geotif
gdalwarp_cmdline = 'gdalwarp -r bilinear -order 3 -co COMPRESS=NONE -t_srs EPSG:4326 '
gdalwarp_cmdline = f"{gdalwarp_cmdline} {os.path.join(path, f'tmp.{filename}')} {os.path.join(path, f'tmp.warp.{filename}')}"
The final result
from osgeo import gdal
import requests as req
import json
import os
# 横向采样点数量(不采集边缘点)
x_pt_count = 10
# 纵向采样点数量(不采集边缘点)
y_pt_count = 10
url = ''
tif_file = 'historymap.tif'
# @desc 使用加密服务对数据进行加密
# @param tif 待加密文件
# @param xpt_count 横向采样点数量
# @param ypt_count 纵向采样点数量
# @param m2_url 加密服务地址
def m2encrypt(tif, xpt_count, ypt_count, m2_url):
# 读取文件
dataset = gdal.Open(tif)
# 获取Transform
geotransform = dataset.GetGeoTransform()
# 获取采样间隔
x_offset = dataset.RasterXSize / (xpt_count + 1)
y_offset = dataset.RasterYSize / (ypt_count + 1)
# 关闭数据
dataset = None
# 构建加密请求参数
idx = 1
pts = {
"msg": "",
for x in range(1, xpt_count + 1):
for y in range(1, ypt_count + 1):
idx += 1
"id" : idx,
"xpx" : x_offset * x,
"ypx" : y_offset * y,
"orgx": geotransform[0] + geotransform[1] * x_offset * x,
"orgy": geotransform[3] + geotransform[5] * y_offset * y,
# 加密请求
resp = req.post(url, {'pts_info': json.dumps(pts)})
# 获取加密结果
ret = json.loads(resp.text)
# 构建处理脚本对文件本身进行加密
gdaltranslate_cmdline = 'gdal_translate -of GTiff'
gdalwarp_cmdline = 'gdalwarp -r bilinear -order 3 -co COMPRESS=NONE -t_srs EPSG:4326 '
if ret['ret']:
for pt in ret['pts']:
gdaltranslate_cmdline = f'{gdaltranslate_cmdline} -gcp {pt["xpx"]} {pt["ypx"]} {pt["transx"]} {pt["transy"]}'
path, filename = os.path.split(os.path.abspath(tif))
gdaltranslate_cmdline = f"{gdaltranslate_cmdline} {os.path.abspath(tif)} {os.path.join(path, f'tmp.{filename}')}"
gdalwarp_cmdline = f"{gdalwarp_cmdline} {os.path.join(path, f'tmp.{filename}')} {os.path.join(path, f'tmp.warp.{filename}')}"
return gdaltranslate_cmdline, gdalwarp_cmdline
cmdlines = m2encrypt(tif_file, x_pt_count, y_pt_count, url)