July 4, 2024Less than 1 minute
Invalid HTTP_HOST header: ''. The domain name provided is not valid according to RFC 1034/1035.
Solution: [Removeproxy_set_header Host $host
in /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/geonode.conf on nginx container] using docker compose to start project, always has some container are restarting again, using
docker logs --tail 50 --follow --timestamps {container_name or id}
to check the log.
The django container always retarting
Using the following content to view the problems for restartingdocker logs -f --tail 20 django4my_geonode
In my case, the reason is failed to connect to db, the next step is to change the password of the User,
- connect to container using
docker exec -it dbxxxxx /bin/sh
- connect to db using postgres
psql -Upostgres
- Change password for connection user, the password please retrive from
ALTER USER myuser WITH PASSWORD 'securepassword';