March 29, 2024About 15 min
Core Code
import web
import sys
import datetime
from utils.oss_util import oss_util
from utils.tile_util import tile_util
from utils.vivid_download import Vivid_WMTS
from utils.vivid_db import vivid_db
from etc import *
accessKey = ''
accessSecretKey = ''
bucketName = ''
oss_obj = oss_util(accessKey, accessSecretKey, bucketName)
urls = (
'/wmts', 'wmts_ctrl',
'/WMTS', 'wmts_ctrl',
'/wmts/(.*)/(.*)/(.*)/(.*)/(.*).jpg', 'wmts_ctrl_resurl',
'/WMTS/(.*)/(.*)/(.*)/(.*)/(.*).jpg', 'wmts_ctrl_resurl',
app = web.application(urls, globals())
def get_oss_key(ilayer, row, col):
return f'image/{ilayer}/{row}/{col}.jpg'
tile_obj = tile_util()
vivid_obj = Vivid_WMTS("access_key", 'prefix', "account", "password")
vivid_sqlite_obj = vivid_db(wmts_sqlite)
class wmts_tile_service:
def getTile(self, layer, tilematrix, row, col):
#return self.getGoogleTile(layer, tilematrix, row, col)
return self.getVividTile(layer, tilematrix, row, col)
def getVividTile(self, layer, tilematrix, row, col):
#return self.getTileFromOSS(layer, tilematrix, row, col)
return self.getTileFromSqlite(tilematrix, row, col)
def getTileFromSqlite(self, tilematrix, row, col):
return vivid_sqlite_obj.get_tile(int(tilematrix)-1, int(row), int(col))
def getTileFromOSS(self, layer, tilematrix, row, col):
quad = tile_obj.WMTS2Quad(int(tilematrix)-1, int(row), int(col))
key = vivid_obj.get_oss_url(quad)
if oss_obj.is_exists(key):
print(f'{tilematrix}-{row}-{col}', quad,key, ' found '*10)
#img = vivid_obj.get(quad)
return oss_obj.get_obj(key)
print(quad,key, 'not found')
return None
def getGoogleTile(self, layer, tilematrix, row, col):
# Get max row of google wmts
maxr = 2**int(tilematrix)
# switch the position
row = 2**(int(tilematrix)-1) - row
# Convert the swtched index to google index
row = int(maxr/4 + row)-1
return oss_obj.get_obj(get_oss_key(tilematrix, row, col))
def __convertwmts2dbindex__(self, wmts_tilematrix, wmts_r, wmts_c):
if int(wmts_tilematrix) < 1:
return None
level = int(wmts_tilematrix) #google level
col = wmts_c #google column
maxr = 2**level #google max row num
row = (maxr/2-(wmts_r+1)) + maxr / 4 #google row
return int(level), int(row), int(col)
def getCapabilities(self):
rc = None
capabilityBase = ''
content = None
with open('template/getCapabilities.xml', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fr:
content = fr.read()
return content.replace("", f"{wmts_ip}:{wmts_port}")
class wmts_service_list_ctrl:
def __init__(self):
def GET(self):
val = 'webpy get test'
web.header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*")
return tile_service().getTileDB()
def POST(self):
val = 'webpy dg_meta'
web.header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*")
return val
#tile404 = None
#with open('404.png','rb') as fr:
# tile404 = fr.read()
def get404Tile():
global tile404
return None
class wmts_ctrl_resurl:
def __init__(self):
#def GET(self, layer):
def GET(self, layer, tilematrixset, TileMatrix, TileRow, TileCol):
val = 'webpy get test'
web.header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*")
rc = None
starttime = datetime.datetime.now()
layer = layer
tilelevel = TileMatrix
tilecol = TileCol
tilerow = TileRow
if not(tilelevel is None or layer is None):
rc = wmts_tile_service().getTile(layer, tilelevel, int(tilerow), int(tilecol))
endtime = datetime.datetime.now()
#if rc is None:
# rc = get404Tile()
if rc is None:
print(f'{tilelevel}-{tilerow}-{tilecol} not found {"#"*10}')
return rc
def POST(self):
val = 'webpy dg_meta'
web.header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*")
return val
# 获取所有支持的图层列表
class wmts_ctrl:
def __init__(self):
def GET(self):
val = 'webpy get test'
web.header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*")
rc = None
content = ''
starttime = datetime.datetime.now()
self.__kvp__ = dict(web.input())
service = self.__getValue__('service')
layer = self.__getValue__('layer')
style = self.__getValue__('style')
tilematrixset = self.__getValue__('tilematrixset')
req = self.__getValue__('Request')
version = self.__getValue__('Version')
format = self.__getValue__('Format')
tileMatrix = self.__getValue__('TileMatrix')
tilecol = self.__getValue__('TileCol')
tilerow = self.__getValue__('TileRow')
if not(service is None or req is None):
if service.upper() == 'WMTS':
if req.upper() == 'GetCapabilities'.upper():
rc = wmts_tile_service().getCapabilities()
elif req.upper() == 'GetTile'.upper():
print('Get Tile')
rc = wmts_tile_service().getTile(layer, tileMatrix, int(tilerow), int(tilecol))
endtime = datetime.datetime.now()
elif req.upper() == 'GetFeatureInfo'.upper():
#if rc is None:
# rc = get404Tile()
#if rc is None:
# rc = get404Tile()
if rc is None:
print(f'{tileMatrix}-{tilerow}-{tilecol} not found {"#"*10}')
return rc
def __getCapabilitiesContent__(self):
rc = None
capabilityBase = ''
with open('getCapabilities.xml', 'r') as fr:
content = fr.read()
capabilityBase = content
layerTemplate = ''
with open('layerTemplate.xml', 'r') as fr:
layerTemplate = fr.read()
if len(capabilityBase) > 0 and len(layerTemplate)> 0:
layers = ''
for l in layers_conf:
layers += layerTemplate.format(l['id'], l['title'], l['abstract'],TileMatrixSet='{TileMatrixSet}',TileMatrix='{TileMatrix}',TileRow='{TileRow}', TileCol='{TileCol}')
rc = capabilityBase.format(layers)
return rc
def __getValue__(self, key):
kvp = self.__kvp__
rc = None
for item in kvp.keys():
if item.upper() == key.upper():
rc = kvp[item]
return rc
def POST(self):
val = 'webpy dg_meta'
return self.GET()
def __getimg__(self, layer, level, row, col):
return wmts_tile_service().getTile(layer, level, row, col)
if __name__=="__main__":
web.internalerror = web.debugerror
import math
The code of quad
3 | 2
0 | 1
The first layer of the earth will be split into
| 0 | 1 |
The code of WMTS will start from the left-top corner.
The zero layer will split into
| 0-0-0 | 0-1-0 |
The first layer
| 1-0-0 | 1-1-0 | 1-2-0 | 1-3-0 |
| 1-0-1 | 1-1-1 | 1-2-1 | 1-3-1 |
class tile_util:
def __getGeojsonTemplate__(self, name):
return {
"type": "FeatureCollection",
"name": name,
"crs": {
"type": "name",
"properties": {
"name": "urn:ogc:def:crs:OGC:1.3:CRS84"
"features": []
def WMTS2Quad(self, ilayer, row, col):
@desc Convert WMTS index into quad index
@param ilayer WMTS layer number (from 0)
@param row WMTS layer tiley number
@param col WMTS layer tilex number
@return The quad index correspond to wmts index
offset = 180/2**ilayer
lat = 90 - (row+0.5)*offset
lng = (col+0.5)*offset - 180
return self.getTileQuad(lng, lat, ilayer+1)
def Quad2WMTS(self, quad):
@desc Convert quad index into WMTS index
@parm quad quad index
@return The WMTS index (layer, col/x, row/y)
tilew = 360/(2**len(quad))
centerx = 0
centery = 0
for i in range(len(quad)):
tilew = 360/(2**(i+1))
if i == 0:
if quad[i] == '0':
centerx = -90
centery = 0
centerx = 90
centery = 0
if quad[i] == '0':
centerx -= tilew/2
centery -= tilew/2
if quad[i] == '1':
centerx += tilew/2
centery -= tilew/2
if quad[i] == '2':
centerx += tilew/2
centery += tilew/2
if quad[i] == '3':
centerx -= tilew/2
centery += tilew/2
wmtsl = len(quad)-1
wmts_tilew = 180/(2**wmtsl)
#print(centerx, centery, wmts_tilew)
tilex = math.floor((centerx+180)/wmts_tilew)
tiley = math.floor(-(centery-90)/wmts_tilew)
return wmtsl, tilex, tiley
# Get the sub block list of quad until the specified level
def getWMTSSubTile(self, quad, level):
rc = list()
if len(quad) < level-1:
rc.extend(self.getWMTSSubTile(quad+'0', level))
rc.extend(self.getWMTSSubTile(quad+'1', level))
rc.extend(self.getWMTSSubTile(quad+'2', level))
rc.extend(self.getWMTSSubTile(quad+'3', level))
return rc
elif len(quad) >= level:
return rc
return [quad + '0', quad + '1', quad + '2', quad + '3', ]
# Get the quad number on specified level according to latitude and longtitude.
def getTileQuad(self, lng, lat, level):
#level += 1 # Because of quad start from 0, thus the number of quad should plus 1
minx = -180
maxx = 180
miny = -90
maxy = 90
centerx = 0
centery = 0
tilew = 180
ret = ''
for l in range(level):
if l <= 0:
if lng <= 0:
centerx = -90
centery = 0
ret += '0'
centerx = 90
centery = 0
ret += '1'
if lng < centerx and lat < centery:
ret += '0'
centerx -= tilew/2
centery -= tilew/2
elif lng > centerx and lat < centery:
ret += '1'
centerx += tilew/2
centery -= tilew/2
elif lng > centerx and lat > centery:
ret += '2'
centerx += tilew/2
centery += tilew/2
ret += '3'
centerx -= tilew/2
centery += tilew/2
tilew /= 2
return ret
def getBoundingBox(self, quad):
Get the bounding box of quad block
l, x, y = self.Quad2WMTS(quad)
tilew = 180/(2**l)
maxx = x*tilew + tilew - 180
minx = x*tilew + 0 -180
maxy = 90 - (y*tilew + 0)
miny = 90 - (y*tilew + tilew)
return minx, maxx, miny, maxy
def getGeojson(self, quad, targetLevel = None):
Get the geojson of quad if the targetLevel is not specified.
Get the geojson for all sub block until targetLevel regard as quad as a base block
rc = None
if targetLevel:
rc = self.__getGeojsonTemplate__(f'{quad}-{targetLevel}')
subs = self.getWMTSSubTile(quad, targetLevel)
for i in subs:
rc = self.__getGeojsonTemplate__(f'{quad}')
return rc
def __getFeatureJson__(self, quad):
Get the geojson of quad
ret = {
"type": "Feature",
"properties": dict(),
"geometry": {
"type": "Polygon",
"coordinates": list()
minx, maxx, miny, maxy = self.getBoundingBox(quad)
ret['geometry']['coordinates'].append( [[minx, miny], [minx, maxy], [maxx, maxy], [maxx, miny], [minx, miny]])
ret['properties']['quad'] = quad
ret['properties']['wmts'] = self.Quad2WMTS(quad)
return ret
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import oss2
# https://github.com/aliyun/aliyun-oss-python-sdk
class oss_util:
def __init__(self, accesskey, asscesssecret, bucketname, endpoint='oss-cn-shenzhen.aliyuncs.com'):
#oss-cn-shenzhen.aliyuncs.com, oss-cn-shenzhen-internal.aliyuncs.com
self.__bucketname__ = bucketname
self.__endpoint__ = endpoint
self.__accesskey__ = accesskey
self.__asscesssecret__ = asscesssecret
self.__auth__ = oss2.Auth(self.__accesskey__, self.__asscesssecret__)
self.__bucket__ = oss2.Bucket(self.__auth__, self.__endpoint__, self.__bucketname__)
def upload(self, key, obj):
self.__bucket__.put_object(key, obj)
def get_obj(self, key):
return self.__bucket__.get_object(key).read()
except oss2.exceptions.NoSuchKey as e:
def del_obj(self, key):
def is_exists(self, key):
return self.__bucket__.object_exists(key)
def iterator(self, prefix):
return oss2.ObjectIterator(self.__bucket__, prefix)
import requests as req
import random
import datetime as dt
import sys
import math
import threading
import time
import json
import sys
import os
import gzip
from .tile_util import *
from .thread_util import *
class dg_downloader:
def __init__(self, connectid, type_name, token=None, version='2.0.0', format='application%2Fjson'):
self.base_url = 'https://securewatch.digitalglobe.com'
self.tile_obj = tile_util()
self.__token__ = token
self.__connectid__ = connectid
self.__type_name__ = type_name
self.__version__ = version
self.__format__ = format
# 模板参数说明
# @param connectId the connect id
# @param type_name layername
# @param lat_min the minimum latitude
# @param lng_min the minimum longtitude
# @param lat_max the maximum latitude
# @param lng_max the minimum longtitude
# @param version the ogc service version (such as:2.0.0)
# @param format the output format,(such as:application/json)
self.wfs_template = self.base_url + '/catalogservice/wfsaccess?CONNECTID={connectId}&SERVICE=WFS&REQUEST=GetFeature&VERSION={version}&TYPENAMES={type_name}&TYPENAME={type_name}&STARTINDEX=0&COUNT=1000000&SRSNAME=urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::4326&BBOX={lat_min},{lng_min},{lat_max},{lng_max},urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::4326&outputFormat={format}'
def __del__(self):
def downlaod(self, base_tile, target_level, filename):
@param base_tile The base tile()
@param target_level
@param filename
The data is retrived from server block by block. The base_tile will determine a big blog for downloading, the target_level define which level will continue split the base_tile.
self._base_tile_ = base_tile
sub_tiles = self.tile_obj.getWMTSSubTile(base_tile, target_level)
output_file = {
'log': open(f'{filename}.geojson', 'w'),
'locker': threading.Lock()
th_pool = thread_util(20)
for sub_tile in sub_tiles:
lng_min, lng_max, lat_min, lat_max = self.tile_obj.getBoundingBox(sub_tile)
version = self.__version__
format = self.__format__
type_name = self.__type_name__
connectId = self.__connectid__
url = eval(f'f"{self.wfs_template}"')
req_param = sub_tile
th_pool.process(self.thread_req, (url, req_param, output_file), req_param)
with output_file['locker']:
def thread_req(self, url, req_param, output_file):
ret = self.getRespInfo(url, req_param)
with output_file['locker']:
def getRespInfo(self, url, req_param):
resp = None
rc = None
headers= {
'Accept': 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.7',
'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip, deflate, br',
'Accept-Language': 'zh-CN,zh;q=0.9,en;q=0.8,en-GB;q=0.7,en-US;q=0.6',
'Authorization': self.__token__,
'Sec-Ch-Ua': '"Chromium";v="116", "Not)A;Brand";v="24", "Microsoft Edge";v="116"',
'Sec-Ch-Ua-Platform': '"Windows"',
'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/116.0.1938.76'
resp = req.get(url, headers = headers)
if resp:
resp_code = resp.status_code
if 200 == resp_code:
content = resp.text
#content = gzip.decompress(resp.content).decode()
rc = f'{req_param}|{content}'
except Exception as e:
return rc
import threading
class thread_util:
def __init__(self, thread_max = 20):
self.__thread_pool__ = list()
self.__thread_max__ = 1
if thread_max:
self.__thread_max__ = thread_max
def process(self, target, args, name):
th = threading.Thread(target=target, args=args, name= name)
def wait(self):
def __update_thread__(self, count = None):
c = self.__thread_max__
if count:
c = count
while len(self.__thread_pool__) >= c:
dead_pool = []
for th in self.__thread_pool__:
if not th.is_alive():
for item in dead_pool:
import threading
import sqlite3
import os
from .tile_util import tile_util
class vivid_db:
_instance_lock = threading.Lock()
def __init__(self, dbfile):
if hasattr(self, 'tile_dbs'):
self.tile_dbs = dict()
if os.path.exists(dbfile):
print(f"connect {dbfile}")
self.__db__ = sqlite3.connect(dbfile, check_same_thread = False)
self.__locker__ = threading.Lock()
raise f"{dbfile} does not exist"
#Single Class
def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
if not hasattr(eval(cls.__name__), "_instance"):
with eval(cls.__name__)._instance_lock:
if not hasattr(eval(cls.__name__), "_instance"):
eval(cls.__name__)._instance = object.__new__(cls)
return eval(cls.__name__)._instance
def __del__(self):
if self.__db__:
def get_tbl_name(self, level, row, col):
rc = None
if level <= 7:
rc = self.get_tile_id(level, row, col)[:1]
elif level <= 11:
rc = self.get_tile_id(level, row, col)[:5]
elif level <= 15:
rc = self.get_tile_id(level, row, col)[:9]
elif level <= 19:
rc = self.get_tile_id(level, row, col)[:13]
return f"tile_{rc}"
def get_create_tbl_sql(self, level, row, col):
return f'''create table if not exists {self.get_tbl_name(level, row, col)}(oid varchar(50) PRIMARY KEY, img blob);'''
def get_tile_id(self, level, row, col):
return tile_util().WMTS2Quad(level, row, col)
def get_tile(self, level, row, col):
oid = self.get_tile_id(level, row, col)
tbl = self.get_tbl_name(level, row, col)
rc = None
with self.__locker__:
c = self.__db__.cursor() # 创建游标
print(f"select img from {tbl} where oid='{oid}'")
c.execute(f"select img from {tbl} where oid='{oid}'") #查询快试图数据
rc = c.fetchone()[0]
except Exception as e:
return rc
def insert_tile(self, level, row, col, img):
with self.__locker__:
db_cursor = self.__db__.cursor()
oid = self.get_tile_id(level, row, col)
tbl = self.get_tbl_name(level, row, col)
#print(self.get_create_tbl_sql(level, row, col))
db_cursor.execute(self.get_create_tbl_sql(level, row, col))
db_cursor.execute(f"INSERT INTO {tbl}(oid, img) VALUES (?, ?)", (oid, img))#存入图片
def insert_tiles(self, tiles):
with self.__locker__:
db_cursor = self.__db__.cursor()
for tile in tiles:
level, row, col, img = tile
db_cursor.execute(self.get_create_tbl_sql(level, row, col))
oid = self.get_tile_id(level, row, col)
tbl = self.get_tbl_name(level, row, col)
db_cursor.execute(f"INSERT INTO {tbl}(oid, img) VALUES (?, ?)", (oid, img))#存入图片
from .tile_util import tile_util
import requests as req
from base64 import b64encode
from functools import reduce
# Authorization token is using base 64 to encode
def basic_auth(username, password):
token = b64encode(f"{username}:{password}".encode('utf-8')).decode("ascii")
return f'Basic {token}'
class Vivid_WMTS:
def __init__(self, connectid, tilematrixset, username, password):
self.__tile_util__ = tile_util()
self.__base_url__ = 'https://securewatch.digitalglobe.com'
self.__uri__ = '/earthservice/wmtsaccess'
self.__connectid__ = connectid
self.__tilematrixset__ = tilematrixset
self.__username__ = username
self.__password__ = password
self.__params__ = {
'TILEMATRIXSET':self.__tilematrixset__, #'EPSG:4326',
def get_url(self, quad):
ilayer, col, row = self.__tile_util__.Quad2WMTS(quad)
self.__params__["TILEMATRIX"] = f'{self.__params__["TILEMATRIXSET"]}:{ilayer}'
self.__params__["TILEROW"] = row
self.__params__["TILECOL"] = col
param_obj = self.__params__
params = reduce(lambda x, key: f"{key}={param_obj[key]}" if len(x) == 0 else f"{x}&{key}={param_obj[key]}", param_obj,"")
return f"{self.__base_url__}{self.__uri__}?{params}"
def getHeaders(self):
return {"Authorization":basic_auth(self.__username__, self.__password__)}
def get_oss_url(self, quad):
ilayer, col, row = self.__tile_util__.Quad2WMTS(quad)
if ilayer >= 7 and ilayer<=12:
return f'wmts/vivid/imagerytileservice/4326/default/jpg/7-12/{quad[:5]}/{ilayer}/{row}-{col}.jpg'
elif ilayer >= 13:
return f'wmts/vivid/imagerytileservice/4326/default/jpg/13-19/{quad[:10]}/{ilayer}/{row}-{col}.jpg'
elif ilayer >= 3:
return f'wmts/vivid/imagerytileservice/4326/default/jpg/3-6/{quad[:2]}/{ilayer}/{row}-{col}.jpg'
elif ilayer < 3:
return f'wmts/vivid/imagerytileservice/4326/default/jpg/0-2/{ilayer}/{row}-{col}.jpg'
def get(self, quad):
url = self.get_url(quad)
resp = req.get(url, headers=self.getHeaders())
if len(resp.content) == 689:
return None
return resp.content
except Exception as e:
wmts_ip = ""
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Capabilities xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/wmts/1.0"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.opengis.net/wmts/1.0 http://schemas.opengis.net/wmts/1.0.0/wmtsGetCapabilities_response.xsd"
<ows:Title>wmts service</ows:Title>
<ows:ProviderSite xlink:href="http://www.newmapgis.com"/>
<ows:Operation name="GetCapabilities">
<ows:Get xlink:href="">
<ows:Constraint name="GetEncoding">
<ows:Operation name="GetTile">
<ows:Get xlink:href="">
<ows:Constraint name="GetEncoding">
<ows:LowerCorner>-180.0 -90.0</ows:LowerCorner>
<ows:UpperCorner>180.0 90.0</ows:UpperCorner>
<Style isDefault="true">
<ows:BoundingBox crs="urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG:6.3:4326">
<ows:LowerCorner>-90.000000 -180.000000</ows:LowerCorner>
<ows:UpperCorner>90.000000 180.000000</ows:UpperCorner>
<TopLeftCorner>90.000000 -180.000000</TopLeftCorner>
<TopLeftCorner>90.000000 -180.000000</TopLeftCorner>
<TopLeftCorner>90.000000 -180.000000</TopLeftCorner>
<TopLeftCorner>90.000000 -180.000000</TopLeftCorner>
<TopLeftCorner>90.000000 -180.000000</TopLeftCorner>
<TopLeftCorner>90.000000 -180.000000</TopLeftCorner>
<TopLeftCorner>90.000000 -180.000000</TopLeftCorner>
<TopLeftCorner>90.000000 -180.000000</TopLeftCorner>
<TopLeftCorner>90.000000 -180.000000</TopLeftCorner>
<TopLeftCorner>90.000000 -180.000000</TopLeftCorner>
<TopLeftCorner>90.000000 -180.000000</TopLeftCorner>
<TopLeftCorner>90.000000 -180.000000</TopLeftCorner>
<TopLeftCorner>90.000000 -180.000000</TopLeftCorner>
<TopLeftCorner>90.000000 -180.000000</TopLeftCorner>
<TopLeftCorner>90.000000 -180.000000</TopLeftCorner>
<TopLeftCorner>90.000000 -180.000000</TopLeftCorner>
<TopLeftCorner>90.000000 -180.000000</TopLeftCorner>
<TopLeftCorner>90.000000 -180.000000</TopLeftCorner>
<TopLeftCorner>90.000000 -180.000000</TopLeftCorner>
<TopLeftCorner>90 -180</TopLeftCorner>
<BottomRightCorner>-90 180</BottomRightCorner>
<TopLeftCorner>90 -180</TopLeftCorner>
<BottomRightCorner>-90 180</BottomRightCorner>
<TopLeftCorner>90 -180</TopLeftCorner>
<BottomRightCorner>-90 180</BottomRightCorner>
<TopLeftCorner>90 -180</TopLeftCorner>
<BottomRightCorner>-90 180</BottomRightCorner>
<TopLeftCorner>90 -180</TopLeftCorner>
<BottomRightCorner>-90 180</BottomRightCorner>
<TopLeftCorner>90 -180</TopLeftCorner>
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