Assignment 2
October 20, 2023About 8 min
Use Rmarkdown
to do the following tasks(2). Please note that the presentation of the document and the range of Rmarkdown
features/functions used are matter.
1. Describe a real-world application that uses topic modelling and explain how the topic model works. (4)
The <span style="color:orange;font-weight:bold">recommendation system</span> could use topic modelling to work. The key work is to calculate the similarity. All the works could be processed with three steps.
1. Calculating the distribution of topics for two items.
2. Calculating the similarity (Kullback-Leibler divergence could be used) between two items based on the distribution of topics.
3. The item with higher similarity will get a higher chance for recommendation.
2. Download the Twitter dataset (rdmTweets-201306.RData) from the course website and do the following. (8)
``` R
a. Text cleaning: remove URLs, convert to lower case, and remove non-English letters or space.
text_clean <- function(x) {
text <- x$text
# remove urls with header
text <- gsub("https?://\\S+|www\\.\\S+", "", text)
# remove urls without header
text <- gsub("\\bwww[1-9a-zA-Z]*\\.\\S+", "", text)
# convert to lower case and remove non-English letters and space
text <- tolower(gsub("\\s+", " ", gsub("[^a-zA-Z ]", " ", text)))
# remove the space
tweet_texts <- unlist(lapply(tweets, text_clean))
b. Count the frequency of words “data” and “mining”.
method 1
freq.words <- data.frame(
"data" = unlist(lapply(tweet_texts, function(x){
words <- unlist(strsplit(x, "\\s+"))
sum(words == "data")
})) ,
"mining" = unlist(lapply(tweet_texts, function(x){
words <- unlist(strsplit(x, "\\s+"))
sum(words == "mining")
freq <- freq.words %>% summarize(across(everything(), sum, na.rm=TRUE))
method 2
# concatenate all string into one
text_data <- paste(tweet_texts, collapse=" ")
# Create a corpus and perform text cleaning
text_corpus <- Corpus(VectorSource(text_data))
dtm <- DocumentTermMatrix(text_corpus)
dtm_matrix <- as.matrix(dtm)
freq <- gather(, key="col", value="c") %>%
filter(col %in% c("data", "mining"))
c. Plot the word cloud.
# concatenate all string into one
text_data <- paste(tweet_texts, collapse=" ")
# Create a corpus and perform text cleaning
text_corpus <- Corpus(VectorSource(text_data))
# Remove the meaningless words
custom_stopwords <- c("the", "a", "an", "in", "on", "of", "to", "for", "with", "by", "and")
text_corpus <- tm_map(text_corpus, removeWords, custom_stopwords)
#text_corpus <- tm_map(text_corpus, content_transformer(tolower))
text_corpus <- tm_map(text_corpus, removePunctuation)
# Create a term-document matrix and calculate word frequencies
tdm <- TermDocumentMatrix(text_corpus)
word_freq <- rowSums(as.matrix(tdm))
# Create the word cloud
freq = word_freq,
scale = c(3, 0.5),
min.freq = 3,
colors = brewer.pal(8, "Dark2")
d. Use a topic modelling algorithm to fit the Twitter data to 8 topics. Find the top 6 frequent terms (words) in each topic.
dtm <- DocumentTermMatrix(text_corpus)
# Specify the number of topics (k)
k <- 8
# Fit the LDA model
lda_model <- LDA(dtm,
k = k,
method = "Gibbs",
control = list(seed = 9999,
burnin = 1000,
thin = 100,
iter = 1000)
top_words <- terms(lda_model, 6)
3. Provide a real-world example of a system or an application that utilises stream-data. In your example, explain the challenges faced by algorithms in analysing stream data and suggest some ideas to address those challenges (6)
`StockSight` is an application that has been used for many organization. It uses the dataset from Twitter and news headlines data for stocks to analysis the sentiment of the author. Normally, Twitter and other news platforms owns a huge amount of data; more even, the data will be posted rapidly, especially on Twitter; some people also will add some slang, emojis, etc. that will make more challenging for analyzing; Lots of unrelated data exist, etc. All the problems are the challenges for implementation. The items listed below are some of my ideas for dealing with all the challenges.
1. Using stream sampling algorithm to deal with huge amount of data and rapid posting data.
2. Using NLP techniques to deal with the text, such as slang, emojis, etc.
3. Using classification method to deal with unrelated data.
4. Create a data stream of two dimensions data points. The data points will follow Gaussian distribution with 5% noise and belong to 4 clusters. Compare the performance of the following clustering methods in terms of precision, recall, and F1. (6)
stream <- DSD_Gaussians(k = 4, d = 2, noise = .05, p = c(0.9, .5, .3, .1))
a. Use Reservoir sampling to sample 200 data points from 500 data points of the stream. Use K-means to cluster the points in the reservoir into 5 groups, and use 100 points from the stream to evaluate the performance of K-means.
Reservoir_Kmeans = DSC_TwoStage(
micro = DSC_Sample(k = 200),
macro = DSC_Kmeans(k = 4)
update(Reservoir_Kmeans, stream, n=500)
measure =c("f1", "precision", "recall"),
n =100
b. Use Windowing method to get 200 data points from 500 data points of the stream. Use K-means to cluster the points in the window into 5 groups, and use 100 points from the stream to evaluate the performance of K-means.
Window_Kmeans = DSC_TwoStage(
micro = DSC_Window(horizon = 200),
macro = DSC_Kmeans(k = 5)
update(Window_Kmeans, stream, n=500)
plot(Window_Kmeans, stream)
measure = c("f1","precision","recall"),
n =100
c. Apply the D-Stream clustering method to 500 points from the stream with gridsize=0.1
, and use 100 points from the stream to evaluate the performance of D-stream.
dstream <- DSC_DStream(gridsize = .1, Cm = 1.2)
update(dstream, stream, n = 500)
plot(dstream, stream)
measure = c("f1","precision","recall"),
n =100
5. Explain a real-world application of geographical information system. (4)
QGIS (Quantum GIS) is a powerful and open-source Geographical Information System (GIS) software that provides a comprehensive set of tools for managing, analyzing, and visualizing geographic and spatial data.
It is widely used for a variety of applications, from mapping and cartography to spatial analysis and data management.
Qgis allows users to import and manage kinds of data, and also provides a wide range of geospatial analysis tools for spatial queries, buffer analysis, spatial joins, proximity analysis, etc. Users can also create high-quality maps with symbols, labels and styling options. Besides, Qgis is also high customizable that allow users to adapt it to their specific needs.
The most important is that the Qgis is also an open source and community-driven software. It is freely available for everyone. Another important point is that it's a cross-platform that is available for multiple operating system.
6. Use spatial data analysis packages in R do the following tasks. (10)
a. Draw a map of Australia where each city is represented as a dot. Highlight cities with population more than one million people. Map should have only the borders at country and state levels.
filename <- paste0(getwd(),"/SA2_2021_AUST_SHP_GDA2020/SA2_2021_AUST_GDA2020.shp")
ausvec <- vect(filename)
# filter out all empty geometry
ausvec <- ausvec[!$AREASQKM21)]
# dissolve based states level
ausvecAgg <- aggregate(ausvec, by="STE_NAME21")
#load population data
auspop <- vect(paste0(getwd(),"/Australia_population.shp"))
#plot Australia with borders at country and state levels
# plot cities with less than 1 million population
plot(auspop[as.integer(auspop$population) < 1000000], add=TRUE, cex = 0.1)
# plot cities with greater than 1 million population, and highlight
plot(auspop[as.integer(auspop$population) >= 1000000], add=TRUE, col="red")
b. Use the shapefile provided in the course website to draw a map of “South Australia”. Keep all borders in the map. Use a colour palette to highlight the statistical areas level 4 (SA4).
# Plot South Australia
# select data of South Australia
sa <- ausvec[ausvec$STE_NAME21 == "South Australia"]
plot(sa, c('SA4_NAME21'))
c. Create a spatial vector of “Greater Adelaide”. Aggregate the polygons to draw a map that shows only the borders for statistical areas level 3 (SA3).
greater_adelaide <- ausvec[ausvec$GCC_NAME21 == "Greater Adelaide"]
# dissolve based on SA4 level
greater_adelaide.sa3Agg <- aggregate(greater_adelaide, by="SA3_NAME21")
#plot only the level 3 border of Greater Adelaide
d. For this point you need to check the data in “crimeCounts.csv” available in the course website.
a. Use the variable “SA3_NAME21” to obtain a spatial vector of “Salisbury”.
## a
salibury <- ausvec[ausvec$SA3_NAME21 == "Salisbury"]
b. Create a new attribute with the name crimeCounts containing the offence count (July 2022 – June 2023) for the suburbs in Salisbury spatial vector.
## b
# load crime data
crime_count <- read.csv('crimeCounts.csv')
# rename columns
names(crime_count) <- c('id', 'suburb', 'crimeCounts')
# convert to lower case for easy to compare
crime_count$lowerSub <- tolower(crime_count$suburb)
# create a suburb dataframe for merging
suburb.df <- data.frame(
"lowerSub" = tolower(salibury$SA2_NAME21)
suburb.df <- left_join(suburb.df, crime_count, by="lowerSub")
#assign crimeCounts for the suburbs in Salisbury
salibury$crimeCounts <- suburb.df$crimeCounts
# show the count and suburbs
"suburb" = salibury$SA2_NAME21,
"crimeCounts" = salibury$crimeCounts
c. Create a spatial raster to display the crimeCounts in Salisbury. Select a colour palette so that high crimeCounts are represented in red colour.
## c
d. Show Salisbury suburb names and borders in the map.
## d
plot(salibury, c('SA2_NAME21'))
e. Create a html page with an interactive map containing the markers of yourtop 5 restaurants in Adelaide. Include in your report a screenshot of the interactive map. Upload thehtml as additional file in your submission.
I implemented using two methods, both of the approaches are based on leaflet library.
- Using leaflet package in R to create an interactive map.
- Using leaflet library to create a single web page app.
# Create a leaflet map
leaflet() %>%
addTiles() %>% # Add a basemap
addMarkers(lng = 138.60956081250663,lat = -34.92074609311045,popup = "Schnithouse Rundle St") %>%
addMarkers(lng = 138.59883250622383,lat = -34.924407169226825,popup = "GEORGES") %>%
addMarkers(lng = 138.5941120067306,lat = -34.92806706283753,popup = "Nu Thai Restaurant") %>%
addMarkers(lng = 138.6006364073467, lat = -34.932289053377616, popup = "La Trattoria Restaurant & Pizza Bar") %>%
addMarkers(lng = 138.61282628115364, lat = -34.93249827609448, popup = "Ballaboosta") %>%
addMarkers(lng = 138.62167389866696, lat = -34.944179031545026, popup = "Fumo Restaurant")